People want to be individuals, to be themselves and to do what they want. They want to be free, especially after the 20th century when it must have felt (and for some people it actually was) that their lives were being controlled. People wanted to get away from that, escape to the Outside. But has this gone too far?
People aren't meant to be caged, that's not why we were created. We were made with a will and a desire to roam and discover. However there is a difference between true freedom and merely trying to shake off all advice and authority. In fact true freedom can only come when we accept and honour the advice and guidance we are given.
One of the main reasons I believe that there is so little respect in the Western world (and elsewhere) is due to people trying to be their own person, owned by no one and responsible to no one. This can be seen from the poor way we treat our politicians to the lack of respect between pupil and teacher in almost every school across the country.
True freedom comes in belonging. A young person on leaving home for the first time may say 'I'm free' but is more likely that he or she is just a part of the next stage of life, maybe bound by stereotypes or by a job. And as humans we crave company, inside we long to be a part of a group, which contradicts our desire to be 'free'.
But God offers both. Come to him and belong to him and he'll show you what freedom really looks like. When you're with him nothing else matters. The world and all that's in it cannot constrain or contain you.
Freedom is a choice. Everyone is in some way tied to something, whether it is a job, mortgage, family, even perhaps an aged body. And then there are emotional attachments, fear, regret, hurt. But you have been set free, so we can choose to see these things as 'light and momentary burdens' they do not dictate the situation, and we can choose to live in the freedom Christ has bought us. Think of Paul, locked in prison - he sang hymns of joy, who was more free - the man in chains or the jailer with the key?