What is interesting as one MP said at some point in the
early hours of the morning was that while people usually go with the status quo
if they’re a bit unsure, it seems that this time they didn’t. I wonder how many
people voted out just to stick one to the establishment, and how many didn’t
vote in because they thought it was a foregone conclusion. Hopefully not too
many for either, because those are not good reasons. Still this is the result
and we must go with it. There are potentially exciting times ahead and probably
some challenging ones too, but at this time it’s impossible to say what will
happen at all.
It’s probably too early to start looking back, but I wonder
if people will say in the future that this result had been coming and we were
wrong not to expect it more; that the trend over the past 10 or 15 years was
towards independence. Equally looking forward is difficult, but I hope this
doesn’t point to greater divisions in our country, continent and world. Only
time will tell.
Good thoughts Jonny. Dad